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Meal plan menu

This is a sample of a seven day menu. All the meals, with the exception of the Sunday dinner, are ready in under 30 minutes. Meal plan menus can be made to follow any dietary criteria such as gluten free, low calorie, heart healthy or vegetarian. 

All meal plan menus will include detailed nutritional information as well as instruction for each meal and recipe.



Herbed Whole Roast Chicken

Roasted Beets and Squash

Garlic Mashed Potatoes


Seared Salmon with Oven Roasted Tomatoes

Lemon Risotto

Steamed Rapini


Chicken Pesto Linguine

Side Salad with Maple Balsamic Vinaigrette


White Bean and Swiss Chard Stew

Mixed Greens


Beef Steak with Chimichurri Sauce

Herb Roasted Potatoes and Baby Carrots

Steamed Kale


Haddock “en papillote” with Chives and White Wine

Rice Pilaf

Lemon Broccoli


Homemade Pizza

Side Salad