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Cooking Class Party Menu

Learn how to cook and have a party doing it!

Invite up to 7 friends to enjoy hands on instruction and then get to eat what we've made! You can either pick the menu or tell me what you’d like to learn how to cook and we’ll do it together. Here are some examples of theme dinners we could prepare as a group.

Menus are subject to availability and cost.


French Theme Night

Bavette de Boeuf avec Sauce Bearnaise

Haricot Verts Amandine

Pomme Anna

Tarte Tatin

Italian Theme Night

Veal Scallopini with Brown Butter and Capers

Potato Gnocchi with Spinach

Eggplant Parmigiana

Zabaglione With Berries

Thai Theme Night

Spicy Beef Salad

Shrimp Pad Thai

Mango Rice Puddings

Indian Theme Night

Vegetable Samosas

Lamb Korma

Aloo Gobi

Saag Paneer


Maritime Theme Night

Seafood Chowder

Boiled Lobster with Drawn Butter

Vegetable Hodge Podge

Blueberry Grunt