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Knife For Hire

Looking to host a Private Dinner Party? Look no further.

Knife For Hire is a personal chef service based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, dedicated to bringing local, delicious foods to your home through hands on lessons, catering or private dinner parties.  Specializing in dinner parties or small groups, Chef Paul Routhier will work with you to design and craft foods for your event. All menu items are house made by Chef Paul himself to assure quality and consistency.

Whether you’re looking for a chef to cook for your private dinner party; host an in house cooking lesson party; design and write recipes and a meal plan and then come to your home and help you create the meals; Chef Paul is your guy!

With over 20 years in the food service industry and an emphasis on local, organic and delicious foods, Chef Paul, working together with you, will create menus that are elegant and flavourful for whatever your party needs.


"Thank you so much! That was a wonderful meal and surpassed our expectations!

Our friends loved the food and were all asking for your contact info :)

We look forward to working with you again!" - Anu